Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 20:17 EET From: Hussam Eassa Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2072] Re: Turtle Beach Stuff. On Sat, 18 Mar 1995, Zyxt wrote: > > True, but remember, 32bit is one thing and GUI interface is another. I > > would love to see a 32bit O.S. that allows me the choice of not using the > > "point and click" environment with all it's overhead. I have no problem > > at all with a 32 bit version of DOS that gives me a simple command line > > interface and a flat memory profile. The overhead in having a graphical > > interface is what causes a lot of people to call it Windoze. > Isn't UNIX/Xwindows kind of what you are referring to here? It is a > fully 32bit OS and the windows are optional. (although I claim no > expertise of UNIX, my friend has been running LINUX on his server for a > few months now, so I am slowly becoming more and more aquainted with > everything as he fills me in on what he has figured out). Could be that Unix is the answer. I'm typing this on my PC which is linked to a Sun-Sparc-10 which at the same time is being used by 100 other users. Now that's multitasking! I always wondered why Unix was not aggressively pushed for use on PC platforms. It seems that it has been around forever and has been ported to just about all platforms out there. -- ======================== Sam ======================== ----------------- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 22:13 EET From: (Ramon van Gorkom) Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2073] Re: Comments on IPLAY... (Joost Baaij) writes: >I would have used 1.20 instead but 1.20 doesn't support s3m-panning. >So it's exit iplay for me until they've released the 1.30 (hint). >(But it seems the authors don't even read this list anyway...:-( ). But we do... > >Joost. > Greetings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ramon van Gorkom a.k.a Excalibur -= Inertia Player/Module editor =- E-Mail: For updates, comments etc. on any of the Inertia productions: join the Inertia Mail List Send Mail to: with the text in the msg: "subscribe inertia-list YourRealName" to receive Inertia binary files "subscribe inertia-talk YourRealName" to join the discussion group ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 19:32 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2068] Re: Message speed On Sat, 18 Mar 1995, kim davies wrote: > (quoth DAVE MCCARTER) > > > > I believe that the problem lies within the listserver, not our personal > > accounts. My mail is fast enough that I can have stilted conversations > > by repedidly (how do you spell that?) sending and recieving mail accross > > the continent in a matter of seconds. However, with this list I come on > > the next day and my mail has finally arrived. Go figure. > > When you consider the thousands of messages it has to post every day, and > the relatively low bandwidth of the site - i think that is understandable.. Yes, but when you consider the fact that all of the Inertia Talk messages are being received by the listserver, before being sent out, it does not make much sense that we receive messages that are replies, before we get the original message. That means the original message has to be received by the listserver and sent out to all the members of the list. Somehow, one member of the list manages to receive the message, reply to it and have it sent to the listserver, have it sent back out by the listserver, and have it arrive at its destination. All of this has to happen before we receive the first message. Sounds screwy to me. ----------------- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 19:38 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2069] Re: Source s3m player On Sat, 18 Mar 1995, Joost Baaij wrote: > >Try DEMOVT. It is the player used by Iguana. It should support S3M, > >MOD, FAR, 669, and several others. > > I suppose it's on Hornet? It's just about everywhere. Anyone notice that Hornet has been impossible to get onto in the past two or three days? ----------------- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 20:10 EET From: Hussam Eassa Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2070] Re: [INERTIA-TAL On Fri, 17 Mar 1995, Jens Puchert wrote: > In message you write: > > >> >nothing is perfect or free. Compromises are always having to be made. > >> > >> Except when you finally break with the past and scrap compatibility and > >> do things right. > > > > That's what they did when they made the Amiga. That's what they > >did when they made the Macintosh. It doesn't make things any easier. It > >is always going to start the kind of religious wars that keep flaming on > >for ages doing little but eat bandwidth, and break compatiblity more. > >Now macs are incompatible with Amigas and IBMs, and vice versa. Except > >that IBMs are big enough that Macs and Amigas become burdened with > >emulation stuff. (The Mac disk drive, is designed to read both Mac and > >IBM disks. (Who uses disks anymore anyway? :) They make DOS compatible > >Macs with an 80486 under the hood in addition to the 68040, but it's got > >some problems.) The computer world is in a bad state now. I think > >things will go in the direction of UNIX (compatiblity wise, not user > >interface wise) in that UNIX is UNIX is UNIX. (Yeah, any UNIX lover will > >kill me for that statement, but in general UNIX has a very consistant > >user interface, no matter what platform it is running under.) (Wow, I > >got sidetracked.) > > With breaking with the past I was only referring to software. Sure you > could break with the hardware too, but let's assume for a moment that > most people wouldn't wanna throw away all they hardware. Breaking with > the software past is very simple in comparision. Format your HDD, go > out and buy a copy of Windows NT, install it and be happy ever after. > Windows NT is a no compromise OS, there's no stupid underlying DOS with > all it's hassles and limitations. Sure, you can still run DOS programs, > but they run under the full protection of NT, not the other way around. > And it is downward compatible for the transition period, except for some > weird applications that access h/w directly. Oh well, it's not gonna > happen anytime soon, but one can always hope... I have some serious reservations about that rosey scenario. I played with NT for a while and it was slower than regular Windows. I'm talking about in things like opening the control panel. It would crunch and crunch where Windows took a couple of seconds. I was also prone to crashing more than Windows. Additionally, you can't ignore the hardware. Most hardware needs NT drivers to run. These drivers are not always available or work reliably. A friend of mine (who is a Windows user) tried OS/2 for Windows. After two weeks of trying to get it to work reliably on his system, finally gave up in disgust, reformatted his drive and restored his DOS/Windows configuration. I'm sure many out there are happy as pigs in mud with OS/2, NT or Warp but for most people, they are not easy to set up properly. They solve one set of problems and hand you some brand new ones. BTW, I've seen a secretary reboot her MAC on numerous occasions because of crashes. So stability problems exist in the MAC world too even though MAC owners always look down on the PC world and consider their systems superior. Again, I repeat, nothing is perfect. > > Jensi > > -- ======================== Sam ======================== ----------------- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 20:16 EET From: "Jurassic Mark" Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2071] Re: [INERTIA-TAL > Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 06:48 EET > Reply-to: > From: > To: Multiple recipients of list > Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2060] [INERTIA-TAL > Well I tend to think that OS/2 is coded 'properly' as far as OS coding goes and > it seems that it is quite extensible. For example, I have no doubt that OS/2 > could be extended to run Win9x programs if the IBM coders decided to do so. They can. Win95 is using a lot of WinNT's Win32 API calls except for Unicode, security and others. Warp does support Win32s which is a small subset of Win32. > As > far as Win9x running OS/2 or other OS' programs; I highly doubt it. But that would be _very_ difficult if not impossible. Win95 doesn't know how to deal with SOM or an OLE compliant desktop. ----------------- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 23:16 EET From: Cuthalion / Sliced Bread Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2075] Re: Message speed > > Yes, but when you consider the fact that all of the Inertia Talk messages > are being received by the listserver, before being sent out, it does not > make much sense that we receive messages that are replies, before we get > the original message. That means the original message has to be received > by the listserver and sent out to all the members of the list. Somehow, > one member of the list manages to receive the message, reply to it and > have it sent to the listserver, have it sent back out by the listserver, > and have it arrive at its destination. All of this has to happen before > we receive the first message. Sounds screwy to me. > Here's my guess. Someone writes a particularly intersting and/or irritating message, and sends it to the list. Someone else replies to the original post, sending a copy also the the original poster (Directly, not through the list). The original poster, who may have less lag between him and hte listserver tahn the other guy replies, sending his reply to the listserver (and probably the other guy). His message arrives at oliver, then the other guy's does. ----------------- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 95 23:10 EET From: Cuthalion / Sliced Bread Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2074] Re: Turtle Beach Stuff. On Sat, 18 Mar 1995, Jimmy Wan wrote: > On Sat, 18 Mar 1995, Cuthalion / Sliced Bread wrote: > > > I totally agree. However, a lot of the overhead of Windows is > > not from the graphics, but from poorly written code and just general > > multi-tasking overhead. (Linux also runs MUCH slower than DOS, despite > > its lack of nifty graphics..) > > What's the deal with Linux anyway? Is it supposed to just be really god > at multitasking? Why is it slower than DOS if it totally 32 bit? Because it's doing more. I don't know too much about Linux, but I know that the minimum machine that it's usable on is basically a 486 with 8 meg or so of RAM. (I think a fast 386 may be OK too) DOS, on the other hand works acceptably with 8088's. However, a lot of this is not due to the OS, but the programmes developed for it. Additionally, multitasking has a !%^$load of overhead. Everytime you switch tasks, you have to basically set everything the processor and FPU know. 32 bit makes things faster, but not THAT much faster... ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 01:09 EET From: DAVE MCCARTER <> Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2077] Re: [INERTIA-TAL Hi, As for a new operating system, a friend of my brothers is programming one. _IT_will be the next operating system. It _really_ blows Microsoft outa the h2o. ______________________________________________________________ Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, "JMWarmUp.Jpg", at Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 01:02 EET From: DAVE MCCARTER <> Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2076] Re: Message speed Hi, I think your probably right on the low bandwith thing, though I was just going through my mail and I first came upon a response to my last message, then I came upon my message, then the first response again. What? That can't be the same as the time delay. Oh well, I get my mail _a_lot_ faster than I would with a $.43 stamp on it. ______________________________________________________________ Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, "JMWarmUp.Jpg", at Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 01:50 EET From: "Jens Puchert" Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2078] Re: [INERTIA-TAL In message <> you write: >Hi, > >As for a new operating system, a friend of my brothers is programming one. _I >T_will be the next operating system. It _really_ blows Microsoft outa the h2o >. So your brother's friend's mother-in-law's stepdaughter's nephew's friend is programming THE operating system of the future in his garage while Microsoft, IBM, Sun Systems, AT&T, and a handfull of others employ teams of hundreds of programmers and system analysts and still get blown out of the water by his great inventions. Congratulations! You have just earned the "most possible optimistic view of myself" award. In other words, BS! >______________________________________________________________ >Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" > > >Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, >"JMWarmUp.Jpg", at > >Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. >--------------------------------------------------------------- Jensi ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 11:43 EET From: "Jurassic Mark" Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2079] Re: [INERTIA-TAL > Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 01:50 EET > Reply-to: > From: "Jens Puchert" > To: Multiple recipients of list > Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2078] Re: [INERTIA-TAL > In message <> you write: > > >Hi, > > > >As for a new operating system, a friend of my brothers is programming one. _I > >T_will be the next operating system. It _really_ blows Microsoft outa the h2o > >. > > So your brother's friend's mother-in-law's stepdaughter's nephew's friend > is programming THE operating system of the future in his garage while > Microsoft, IBM, Sun Systems, AT&T, and a handfull of others employ teams > of hundreds of programmers and system analysts and still get blown out > of the water by his great inventions. Congratulations! Let's call it Hoax95. :) I'm still working on my multi-tasking, multi-threading and works in 2MB RAM Signature95. :) I know, I know... Off-topic... Just couldn't resist. ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 12:03 EET From: (Andrew Ferrier) Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2081] Re: Sb16/cd-rom memory loss! In message writes: > SoooOOooOOoooo ... has anyone ACTUALLY figure out what those damn drivers > are for besides hoggin up base memory??? Yep. I think most games need them. I could be wrong, though. I haven't done extensive tests. TTFN, Andrew Ferrier Personal Email: ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 12:02 EET From: (Andrew Ferrier) Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2080] Re: MIDI-to-MOD converter In message <> writes: >Where is the Midi-2-Mod proggy. The fool that I am, I can't remember. I'll try, but I can't promise anything. If you want to, mail me personally (this applies to anyone) and I'll send it to you via MIME/Uuencode TTFN, Andrew Ferrier Personal Email: ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 12:20 EET From: Hussam Eassa Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2082] Re: [INERTIA-TAL On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, DAVE MCCARTER wrote: > Hi, > > As for a new operating system, a friend of my brothers is programming one. > _IT_will be the next operating system. It _really_ blows Microsoft > outa the h2o. Without further elaboration (a lot of elaboration) how do you expect anyone to really take this seriously? If you can't elaborate for whatever reasons, then why tell us about it? > ______________________________________________________________ > Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" > > > Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, > "JMWarmUp.Jpg", at > > Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. > --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ======================== Sam ======================== ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 18:01 EET From: DAVE MCCARTER <> Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2084] Re: [INERTIA-TAL Hi, Yeah, I guess that message was pretty optimistic about my brothers-friends operating system. Hows a bout I revise: His ideas for his operating system really make a lot of sense, more so that stuff like 640K boundaries. ______________________________________________________________ Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, "JMWarmUp.Jpg", at Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------- p.s. I'll shut up now so we don't start another Andrew ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 18:08 EET From: DAVE MCCARTER <> Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2085] Re: [INERTIA-TAL Hi, Sorry, I thought it was kinda relevant, perhaps not. Most likely not. I'll go stick my head back into the sand and hope Iplay can be heard down there. ______________________________________________________________ Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, "JMWarmUp.Jpg", at Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 18:45 EET From: (Joost Baaij) Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2086] Re: Comments on IPLAY... >But we do... Great! Anything on the inertia tracker or inertia 1.3 ? Joost. ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 18:00 EET From: Schitzo Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2083] Re: Sb16/cd-rom memory loss! On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, Andrew Ferrier wrote: > In message writes: > > SoooOOooOOoooo ... has anyone ACTUALLY figure out what those damn drivers > > are for besides hoggin up base memory??? > Yep. I think most games need them. I could be wrong, though. I haven't done > extensive tests. i have yet to come across a game that didn't run with the sb16 without those two tsr's loaded ... so like which games need it? ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 18:46 EET From: (Joost Baaij) Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2087] Re: Source s3m player >It's just about everywhere. Anyone notice that Hornet has been >impossible to get onto in the past two or three days? I noticed! Thank god they moved the music incoming dir to Joost. ----------------- Date: Sun, 19 Mar 95 20:42 EET From: Hussam Eassa Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2088] Puzzle. On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, DAVE MCCARTER wrote: > Hi, > > Sorry, I thought it was kinda relevant, perhaps not. Most likely not. > I'll go > stick my head back into the sand and hope Iplay can be heard down there. > HUH? What the heck are you talking about? Your last three posts indicate to me that : a. I'm very stupid since I don't get the joke. b. My acquired command of the English language is slipping away from me. c: One of us is under the influence of mind altering drugs. or d: You are using some kind of code to communicate with other beings from your home planet. > ______________________________________________________________ > Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" > > > Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, > "JMWarmUp.Jpg", at > > Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. > --------------------------------------------------------------- > > -- ======================== Sam ======================== ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 01:23 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2092] Re: Source s3m player On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, Joost Baaij wrote: > >It's just about everywhere. Anyone notice that Hornet has been > >impossible to get onto in the past two or three days? > > I noticed! Thank god they moved the music incoming dir to What about the other stuff? Why not move the entire music directory to Hey, why don't they have someone organize the thing a little better? I mean, I know I am nitpicking, but I really like how Starport has the music broken down by artist, etc. Things like that are really nice. ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 01:21 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2090] Re: Sb16/cd-rom memory loss! On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, Andrew Ferrier wrote: > In message writes: > > SoooOOooOOoooo ... has anyone ACTUALLY figure out what those damn drivers > > are for besides hoggin up base memory??? > Yep. I think most games need them. I could be wrong, though. I haven't done > extensive tests. No, you mean most games DON'T require them. I only have 1 game that requires them. Myst. ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 01:20 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2089] Re: [INERTIA-TAL On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, Jens Puchert wrote: > So your brother's friend's mother-in-law's stepdaughter's nephew's friend > is programming THE operating system of the future in his garage while > Microsoft, IBM, Sun Systems, AT&T, and a handfull of others employ teams > of hundreds of programmers and system analysts and still get blown out > of the water by his great inventions. Congratulations! You have just > earned the "most possible optimistic view of myself" award. In other > words, BS! I disagree. It is possible that a single person is programming an operating system that will blow microsoft out of the water. Note that he never said when they were going to complete it. ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 01:22 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2091] Re: [INERTIA-TAL On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, DAVE MCCARTER wrote: > ______________________________________________________________ > Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" > > > Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, > "JMWarmUp.Jpg", at > > Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. > --------------------------------------------------------------- Wanna trim that sig down, big guy? ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 01:30 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2093] When the Heavens Fall Does anyone have When the Heavens Fall? It was Purple Motion's contribution to Assembly '94. I can't find it anywhere. I can't even find it at Starport. ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 01:52 EET From: DAVE MCCARTER <> Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2094] RE: Puzzle. Hi, D. would be the correct answer. Prepare for apocalypse. No Actually, to understand my last mail one would have had to have seen some of the old Bugs Bunny cartoons. You know the one where Foghorn Leghorn finds a baby osterich. And whenever the osterich is embarassed or hurt, it sticks its head into the sand. Sorry, I'll keep to Inertia from now on. Speaking of which, does anyone know the directories and location of the top five songs from the Top 100 list? Thanx ______________________________________________________________ Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, "JMWarmUp.Jpg", at Questions, comments and constructive flames welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 01:58 EET From: DAVE MCCARTER <> Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2095] RE: When the Heavens Fall Hi, Sorry to ask this question, but what is "Starport"? Thanx. ____________________________________________________________________________ Jamie McCarter "Live long and Render" Winner of `February Internation PoV Competition' with my image, "JMWarmUp.Jpg" at ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 02:10 EET From: Bushy Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2096] Re: (stuff) STARPORT StarPort is Furure Crew's world head quarters (I think) BBS. You'll find a 6k vga/adlib addy for it in most of FC's demos/intros. Bushy ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 02:26 EET From: Cuthalion / Sliced Bread Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2097] Re: [INERTIA-TAL On Mon, 20 Mar 1995, Jimmy Wan wrote: > On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, Jens Puchert wrote: > > > So your brother's friend's mother-in-law's stepdaughter's nephew's friend > > is programming THE operating system of the future in his garage while > > Microsoft, IBM, Sun Systems, AT&T, and a handfull of others employ teams > > of hundreds of programmers and system analysts and still get blown out > > of the water by his great inventions. Congratulations! You have just > > earned the "most possible optimistic view of myself" award. In other > > words, BS! > > I disagree. It is possible that a single person is programming an > operating system that will blow microsoft out of the water. Note that he > never said when they were going to complete it. UNIX was originally written by a small number of people (Kerneghan and Ritchie, no?). I could see how a smaller production would have less redundancy, less overhead. There is no one person who understands all of Windows or OS/2. Perhaps this is part of their problems... ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 02:48 EET From: Cuthalion / Sliced Bread Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2098] RE: When the Heavens Fall On Mon, 20 Mar 1995, DAVE MCCARTER wrote: > Hi, Oh. Hello! > Sorry to ask this question, but what is "Starport"? Thanx. Starport is a BBS in Finland. As I understand it, it and Metropoli BBS shares a net connection. They can be ftp'd to at There are a lot of cool old mods there. :) World headquarters for several demogroups, I believe. ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 04:04 EET From: Hussam Eassa Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2099] Re: Sb16/cd-rom memory loss! On Mon, 20 Mar 1995, Jimmy Wan wrote: > On Sun, 19 Mar 1995, Andrew Ferrier wrote: > > > In message writes: > > > SoooOOooOOoooo ... has anyone ACTUALLY figure out what those damn drivers > > > are for besides hoggin up base memory??? > > Yep. I think most games need them. I could be wrong, though. I haven't done > > extensive tests. > > No, you mean most games DON'T require them. I only have 1 game that > requires them. Myst. > Myst doesn't need them on my system. I'm using the Windows version, don't know if a DOS version of Myst exists or if it neeeds them. -- ======================== Sam ======================== ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 07:17 EET From: (Sergio M. Ammirata (IVIC)) Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2100] PSM HELP!! PLEASE!! could somebody tell me where in the net is a PSM player Thanks in advance ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 07:44 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2101] RE: When the Heavens Fall On Mon, 20 Mar 1995, DAVE MCCARTER wrote: > Sorry to ask this question, but what is "Starport"? Thanx. The home BBS of Future Crew. It is also an anonmous FTP site. Watch out though. You might not get very good transfer speeds. It is in Finalnd after all. ----------------- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 07:45 EET From: Jimmy Wan Subject: [INERTIA-TALK:2102] Re: Sb16/cd-rom memory loss! On Mon, 20 Mar 1995, Hussam Eassa wrote: > Myst doesn't need them on my system. I'm using the Windows version, don't > know if a DOS version of Myst exists or if it neeeds them. There is no DOS version, but in the instructions, they specifically tell you to use the drivers. Maybe it was a big hoax, but that's what they tell me. Perhaps earlier versions of the drivers required them. -----------------